2. Proposed Solution#

Our proposed solution is an automated process which generates outputs at two levels.

2.1. Dataset-level outputs#

  • List of citing papers

  • Distribution of fields of study

  • Distribution of nature of use

2.2. Library-level outputs#

  • Network of citing authors

  • Network of citing disciplines


Citing disciplines depend on categories defined by external institutions.

We hope that this approach will provide value to multiple stakeholders, such as:



UNHCR/ GDS Microdata Curation Team

Automated procedure saves time and identifies citations that would otherwise be missed, and usage statistics will give the team objective information on which datasets are useful

UNHCR Operations

Usage statistics and network analysis may illuminate usage gaps (e.g. additional fields that would be helpful to include in surveys)

Prospective MDL users

Tool can provide insight into how our data has been used in the past (and thus what is possible for their own work)